Red. broj | Autor | Naslov | Signatura |
2002 | --- | Musee archeologique de Barcelone. Fasc. 1/ par P. Bosch Gimpera et J. de C. Serra i Rafols Barcelona, 1951. (Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Espagne ; fasc. 3) |
904 arh |
2003 | --- | " Fasc. 2 / par J. de C. Serra i Rafols et J. Colominas i Roca. Barcelona 1966. (Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Espagna ; fasc. 4) |
904 arh |
2004 | Susini, Giancarlo | The Roman stonecutter : an introduction to latin epigraphy. Oxford, 1973. |
930 CB |
2005 | Sandys, John Edwin | Latin epigraphy. Chicago, 1974. |
930 CB |
2006 | Barber, Charles | Linguistic change in present-day english. Edinburgh ; London, 1964. (Alabama Linguistic and Philological Series) |
811.111 CB |
2007 | Tkalcec, Tatjana | Burg Vrbovec u Klenovcu Humskome. Zagreb, 2010. |
904(497) arh |
2008 | Zmegac, Viktor (hg.) | Geschichte der deutschen Literatur vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart . Bd. 1/2 Koenigstein/Ts., 1996. (Beltz Athenaeum Taschenbuecher. Literaturwissenschaft) |
830(091)(08) CB |
2009 | --- | The whole digital library handbook. Chicago, 2007. |
02(08) NK |
2010 | Culicover, Peter W. - R. Jackendoff | Simpler syntax. Oxford, 2005. (Oxford linguistics) |
81 CB |
2011 | --- | The age of the galley. London, 2004. (Conway's history of the ship) |
62 CB |
2012 | Gusar, Karla - M. Curkovic | Utvrda Klicevica : rezultati arheoloskih istrazivanja 1990. godine. Benkovac, 2011. |
904(497) arh |
2013 | McWhorter, Kathleen T. | Active reading skills. New York <etc.>, 2005. |
02 CB |
2014 | Blake, Barry J. | All about language. Oxford, 2008. |
81 CB |
2015 | Baron, Naomi S. | Always on. Oxford, 2008. |
81 CB |
2016 | --- | Aspects of meaning construction. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 2007. |
81(08) CB |
2017 | Radden, Guenter - R.Dirven | Cognitive English grammar. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 2007. (Cognitive linguistics in practice ; 2) |
811.111 CB |
2018 | --- | Cognitive exploration of language and linguistics. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 2004. (Cognitive linguistics in practice ; 1) ( |
81(08) CB |
2019 | Davis, Martin D. - R.Sigal - E.J.Weyuker | Computability, complexity, and languages. San Diego <etc.>, 1994. (Computer science and scientific computing) |
81 CB |
2020 | Butterfield, Jeremy | Damp squid. Oxford, 2008. |
811.111 CB |
2021 | Tomlinson, Brian (ed.) | English language learning materials : a critical review. London, 2008. |
811.111(08) CB |
2022 | Pope, Rob | The English studies book. London ; New York, 2006. |
811.111(075) CB |
2023 | Anderson, Cokie G. | Ethical decision making for digital libraries. Oxford, 2006. (Chandos Information Professional Series) |
02 NK |
2024 | Cope, Bill - A.Phillips (ed.) | The future of the book in the digital age. Oxford, 2006. |
002(08) NK |
2025 | Abrams, Meyer Howard - G.Galt Harpham | A Glossary of literary terms. Boston, 2009. |
82.0(03) CB |
2026 | Holmes, Janet - M.Meyerhoff (ed.) | The handbook of language and gender. Malden <etc.>, 2005. (Blackwell handbooks in linguistics) |
81(08) CB |
2027 | Montgomery, Martin | An introduction to language and society. London ; New York, 2008. (Cambridge introductions to philosophy) |
81 CB |
2028 | Morris, Michael | An introduction to the philosophy of language. Cambridge, 2007. (Cambridge introductions to philosophy) |
81 CB |
2029 | Finch, Geoffrey | Key concepts un language and linguistics. Hampshire, 2005. (Palgrave key concepts) |
81 CB |
2030 | Palumbo, Giuseppe | Key terms in translation studies. London ; New York, 2009. (Key terms series)) |
81 CB |
2031 | --- | Methods in cognitive linguistics. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 2007. (Human Cognitive Processing ; 18) |
81(08) CB |
2032 | --- | Metonymy in language and thought. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 1999. (Human Cognitive Processing ; 4) |
81(08) CB |
2033 | Dalzell, Tom (ed.) | The Routledge dictionary of modern American slang and unconventional English. New York ; London, 2009. |
81'374.81 CB |
2034 | Hart, James David | The Oxford companion to American literature. New York ; Oxford, 1995. |
821.111(73)(03) CB |
2035 | Nathan, Geoffrey S. | Phonology : a cognitive grammar introduction. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 2008. (Cognitive Linguistics in Practice ; 3) |
81 CB |
2036 | Frisch, Max | Homo Faber : ein Bericht. Frankfurt am Main, 2010. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch ; 354) |
821.112.2 CB |
2037 | Handke, Peter | Das Gewicht der Welt : ein Journal : (November 1975 - Maerz 1977). Frankfurt a.M., 2010. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch ; 500) |
811.112.2 CB |
2038 | Canetti, Elias | Die Fackel im Ohr : Lebensgeschichte l921-l931. Frankfurt a.M., 2005. (Fischer Tacshenbuecher ; 5404) |
811.112.2 CB |
2039 | " | Das Augenspiel : Lebensgeschichte l931-l937. Frankfurt, 2005. (Fischer Tacshenbuecher ; 9140) |
811.112.2 CB |
2040 | " | Der Ohrenzeuge. Frankfurt, 2010. (Fischer Tacshenbuecher ; 5420) |
811.112.2 CB |
2041 | " | Die Stimmen von Marrakesch : Aufzeichungen nach einer Reise. Frankfurt, 2010. (Fischer Tacshenbuecher ; 2103) |
811.112.2 CB |
2042 | Pekovic, Zeljko | Transformacija kule iz XIII. stoljeca u zvonik "Male Brace" u Dubrovniku : magistarski rad. Dubrovnik, 1990. |
09 M Pu, IP |
2043 | Talpo, Oddone | Dalmazia : una cronaca per la storia. <1> : 1941. Roma, 1985. |
94.053/.54(497) Pu, IP |
2044 | " | " <2> : 1942. Roma, 1990. |
94.053/.54(497) Pu, IP |
2045 | --- | Ricice : nekropole stecaka.Split, 1983. (Posebna izdanja) |
904(497) Pu, IP |
2046 | Menalo, Romana | Ranosrednjovjekovna skulptura. Dubrovnik, 2006. |
7(08) Pu, IP |
2047 | --- | Ori e tesori d'Europa : mille anni di oreficeria nel Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Milano, 1992. |
739(08) Pu, IP |
2048 | --- | Ori e tesori d'Europa : atti del Convegno di studio : Castello di Udine 3-4-5-dicembre 1991. Udine, 1992. |
739(08) Pu, IP |
2049 | Broch, Hermann | Schriften zur literatur 2 : theorie. Frankfurt a.M., 1975. (Suhrkamp taschenbuch ; 247) |
821.112.2 CB |
2050 | Silverberg, Robert | Koenig der Erinnerungen. Muenchen, 2003. (Heyne science fiction & fantasy ; Bd.06/9230) |
821.112.2 CB |
2051 | --- | Briefe an Hermlin : 1946-1984. Berlin ; Weimar, 1985. |
821.112.2 CB |
2052 | Oshima, Alice - A.Hogue | Writing academic English. London <etc.>, 1981. |
CB |
2053 | Dumbovic, Ivan | Enciklopedija : pedagozi znacajni za praksu i teoriju odgoja. Sv. 1 Lekenik, 2005. |
37(03) CB |
2054 | Slukan-Altic, Mirela | Povijesni atlas gradova. Sv. 1 : Bjelovar. Bjelovar, 2003. |
94(497) CB |
2055 | Gordon, Arthur Ernest | Illustrated introduction to Latin epigraphy. Berkeley <etc.>, 1983. |
930 CB |
2056 | --- | New building in old settings. Muenchen, 1978. |
7(08) Pu, IP |
2057 | --- | La necropoli altomedievale di Castel Trosino : Bizantini e Longobardi nelle Marche. Roma, 1995. |
904(08) Pu, IP |
2058 | United Nations Environment Programme. Priority Actions Programme | Rehabilitation and rekonstruction of Mediterranean historic settlements. Split, 1986. (MAP Technical Reports Series ; 11) |
7.02 Pu, IP |
2059 | ---- | Giornata di studi m malatestiani di Brescia. Rimini, 1989. (Le signorie dei Malatesti : storia delle signorie dei Malatesti. Atti ; 2) |
929 Pu, IP |
2060 | --- | Giornata di studi malatestiani a Santa Maria di Scolca. Rimini, 1990. (Le signorie dei Malatesti : storia delle signorie dei Malatesti. Atti ; 6) |
929 Pu, IP |
2061 | --- | Giornata di studi malatestiani a Civitanova Marche. Rimini, 1990. (Le signorie dei Malatesti : storia delle signorie dei Malatesti. Atti ;7) |
929 Pu, IP |
2062 | ---- | Giornata di studi malatestiani a Cesena. Rimini, 1990. ((Le signorie dei Malatesti : storia delle signorie dei Malatesti. Atti ; 8) |
929 Pu, IP |
2063 | Mariani, Emidio | I Malatesti di Sogliano . Rimini, 1988. (Le signorie dei Malatesti : storia, societa, cultura ; 2) |
929 Pu, IP |
2064 | Parti, Stefano | Croniche de'Malatesti. Rimini, 1989. (Le signorie dei Malatesti : storia, societa, cultura ; 3) |
929 Pu, IP |
2065 | Markovic, Irena | Usporedba Pellisove istocno-jadranske grade za ALI sa suvremenim mletacizmima u zadarskom govoru : doktorski rad. Zadar, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2066 | --- | Museum 21 + Vela Spila : arhiv simultanih vremena. Vela Luka, 2007. |
069 CB |
2067 | Sida, Petr | Vyuzivani kamenne suroviny v mladsi a pozdni dobe kamenne. Praha ; Brno, 2007. (Dissertationes archaeologicae Brunenses Pragensesque ; 3) |
903 CB |
2068 | Lowman, Margaret D. | Life in the treetops : adventures of a woman in field biology. New Haven ; London, 2000. (Yale Nota bene) |
57 CB |
2069 | --- | What works for whom? : a critical review of treatments for children and adolescents. New York ; London, 2005. |
159.97 CB |
2070 | Doherty, William Joseph | Take back your marriage : sticking together in a world that pulls us apart. New York ; London, 2003. |
159.97 CB |
2071 | Taibbi, Robert | Doing family therapy : craft and creativity in clinical practice. New York, 1996. (The Guilford family therapy series) |
159.97 CB |
2072 | Gendlin, Eugene T. | Focusing-oriented psychotherapy : a manual of the experiential method. New York ; London, 1996. (The practicing professional) |
159.98 CB |
2073 | Jencks, Christopher | The homeless. Cambridge Mass. ; London, 1997. |
36 CB |
2074 | Petryna, Adriana | Life exposed : biological citizens after Chernobyl. Princeton ; Oxford, 2002. (Princeton paperbacks. - In-formation series) |
62 CB |
2075 | Achenbach, Thomas M. - L.A.Rescorla | Multicultural understanding of child and adolescent psychopathology. New York ; London, 2007. |
159.97 CB |
2076 | Zuckerman, Edward L. | Clinician's thesaurus : the guide to conducting interviews and writing psychological reports. New York ; London, 2005. (Clinician's toolbox : a Guilford series) |
159.97. CB |
2077 | Brown-Chidsey, Rachel - M.W.Steege | Response to intervention : principles and strategies for effective practice. New York ; London, 2005. (The Guilford practical intervention in the schools series) |
159.92 CB |
2078 | Buljan-Flander, Gordana - D. Kocijan-Hercigonja | Zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje djece. |
159.9 NK |
2079 | Delija Trescec, Nives | Platonova kritika umjetnosti. Zagreb, 2005. (Filozofska biblioteka ; knj. 9) |
1 Sl |
2080 | Zovko, Jure | Filozofija i kultura. Zagreb, 2009. (Filozofska biblioteka ; knj. 25) |
1 Sl |
2081 | --- | Istrazivacko novinarstvo. Zagreb, 2004. |
07(08) Sl |
2082 | Strelka, Joseph | Komparativna kritika knjizevnosti. Zagreb, 20098 (Filozofska biblioteka ; knj. 23) |
82.0 Sl |
2083 | Raspudic, Nino | Slaba misao - jaki pisci. Zagreb, 2006. (Filozofska biblioteka ; knj. 10) |
821.131.1.09 tal |
2084 | Breitenfeld, Darko - V. Majsec Vrbanic | Kako pomoci djeci glazbom? Zagreb, <2008>. |
78 NK |
2085 | Plato | Drzava . Zagreb, 2009. (Filozofska biblioteka ; knj. 26) |
32 Sl |
2086 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2087 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2088 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2089 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2090 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2091 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2092 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2093 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2094 | " | " | 32 Sl |
2095 | --- | Odrzivi turizam u deset koraka. Zagreb, 2006. |
338.48 NK |
2096 | Matijevic, Milan - V. Muzic - M. Jokic | Istrazivati i objavljivati. Zagreb, 2003. |
37.0 NK |
2097 | Katnic-Bakarsic, Marina | Stilistika. Sarajevo, 2007. (Naucna i univerzitetska knjiga) |
81'38 Sl |
2098 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2099 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2100 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2101 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2102 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2103 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2104 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2105 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2106 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2107 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2108 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2109 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2110 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2111 | " | " | 81'38 Sl |
2112 | Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. | Introductory econometrics. <Mason>, cop. 2010. (International student edition) |
33(075) NK |
2113 | Medunarodni znanstveno-strucni skup Dijete i estetski izricaji (2011 ; Zadar) | Knjiga sazetaka . Zadar, 2011. |
37.0(08) NK |
2114 | " | " | 37.0(08) NK |
2115 | " | " | 37.0(08) NK |
2116 | " | " | 37.0(08) NK |
2117 | Pecnik, Ninoslava - B. Starc | Roditeljstvo u najboljem interesu djeteta i podrska roditeljima najmlade djece. Zagreb, 2010. |
37.0 NK |
2118 | Pregrad, Jasenka | Prirucnik. Zagreb, 2010. |
63 NK |
2119 | " | Knjizica za roditelje . Zagreb, 2011. |
36 NK |
2120 | Stokic Simoncic, Gordana | Best practice u 22 price. Pancevo; Istocno Sarajevo, 2009. |
024 NK |
2121 | --- | Usora. Zagreb, 2011 |
39 NK |
2122 | Lasnik, Howard | Move [alfa] . Cambridge, Mass. ; London, cop. 1992. (Current studies in linguistics ; 22 ) |
81 NK |
2123 | Farmer, Ann K. - R.A. Demers | A linguistics workbook. Cambridge, Mass. ; London , cop. 2001. |
811.111 NK |
2124 | " | " | 811.111 NK |
2125 | --- | Treatment planning in psychotherapy : taking the guesswork out of clinical care. New York ; London, 2004. |
159.98 CB |
2126 | Micucci, Joseph A. | The adolescent in family therapy. New York ; London, 1998. (The Guilford family therapy series) |
159.97 CB |
2127 | McKenna, Michael C. - S.A.Stahl | Assessment for reading instruction. New York ; London, 2003. (Solving problems in the teaching of literacy) |
159.94 CB |
2128 | Hosp, Michelle K. - J.L.Hosp - K.W.Howell | The ABCs of CBM : a practical guide to curriculum-based measurement. New York, 2007. (The Guilford practical intervention in the schools series) |
37.0 CB |
2129 | Barkley, Russell A. | Defiant children : a clinician's manual for assessment and parent training. New York, 1997. |
159.97 CB |
2130 | --- | Bibel - lexikon. Zuerich ; Koeln, 1951. |
09 CB |
2131 | Medunarodni interdisciplinarni simpozijum (5 ; 2009 ; Novi Sad) | Peti Medunarodni interdisciplinarni simpozijum Susret kultura : zbornik radova. Knj.1. Novi Sad, 2010. |
316.7(08) CB |
2132 | " | " Knj. 2 |
316.7(08) CB |
2133 | Bernhard, Thomas | Ein Kind. Muenchen, 2011. (DTV ; 13963) |
821.112.2 CB |
2134 | " | Die Kaelte : eine Isolation. Muenchen, 2009. (DTV ; 10307) |
821.112.2 CB |
2135 | Frisch, Max | Tagebuch 1946-1949. Frankfurt a.M., 2011. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch ; 4241) |
821.112.2 CB |
2136 | " | Tagebuch 1966-1971. Frankfurt a.M., 2011. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch ; 4242) |
821.112.2 CB |
2137 | Bernhard, Thomas | Die Ursache : eine Andeutung. Muenchen, 2009. (DTV ; 1299) |
821.112.2 CB |
2138 | " | Der Atem : eine Entscheidung. Muenchen, 2011. (DTV ; 13961) |
821.112.2 CB |
2139 | " | Der Keller : eine Entziehung. Muenchen, 2010. (DTV ; 1426) |
821.112.2 CB |
2140 | Buck, Carol J. | CCS-P coding exam review. St. Louis, cop. 2006. |
61(075) NK |
2141 | " | CPC-H coding exam review. St. Louis, cop. 2006. |
61(075) NK |
2142 | " | " | 61(075) NK |
2143 | Fulcher, Eugenia M. - C. Dubeansky Soto - R. M. Fulcher | Pharmacology. Philadelphia [etc.] , cop. 2003. |
61(075) NK |
2144 | Gutierrez, Kathleen - M. Mulhall | Study guide to accompany pharmacology for nursing practice. St. Louis, cop. 2003. |
61(075) NK |
2145 | Wachtel, Ellen F. | Treating troubled children and their families. New York ; London, 2004. |
159.97 CB |
2146 | --- | Cognitive-behavioral strategies in crisis intervention. New York ; London, 2000. |
159.97 CB |
2147 | Rathvon, Natalie | Effective school interventions. New York ; London, 2003. (The Guilford school practitioner series) |
37.0 CB |
2148 | --- | Vocabulary instruction : research to practice. New York ; London, 2004. (Solving problems in the teaching of literacy) |
02(08) CB |
2149 | Canary, Daniel J. | Sex and gender differences in personal relationships. New York ; London, 1997. (The Guilford series on personal relationships) |
159.92 CB |
2150 | Davidson, Jonathan R. T. - K.M.Connor | Herbs for the mind. New York ; London, 2000. |
61 CB |
2151 | Damjanovic, Stjepan | Staroslavenski jezik. Zagreb, 2005. |
811.163.1 Sl |
2152 | Azama, Michel | De Godot a Zucco : anthologie des auteurs dramatiques de langue francaise, 1950-2000. Vol. 1 : Continuite et renouvellements. Paris, 2003. |
821.133.1-8 fr |
2153 | " | " Vol. 2 : Recits de vie : le moi et l'intime. Paris, 2004. |
821.133.1-8 ft |
2154 | " | " Vol.3 : Le Bruit du monde. |
821.133.1-8 fr |
2155 | Lestringant, Frank - M.Zink | Histoire de la France litteraire. T. 1 : Naissances, Renaissances : Moyen Age - XVI e siecle. Paris 2006. |
821.133.1 fr |
2156 | Guyotjeannin, Olivier | Conseils pour l'edition des textes medievaux. Fasc. II : Actes et documents d'archives. Paris, 2009. (Orientations et methodes ; 14) |
fr |
2157 | Darmon, Jean-Charles - M.Delon | Histoire de la France litteraire. T. 2 : Classicismes : XVIIe - XVIIIe siecle. Paris, 2006. |
821.133.1 fr |
2158 | Berthier, Patrick - M.Jarrety | " T. 3 : Modernites : XIXe - XXe siecle. |
821.133.1 fr |
2159 | Wilmet, Marc | Grammaire critique de francais. Bruxelles, 2010. |
811.133.1 fr |
2160 | " | " | 811.133.1 fr |
2161 | Riegel, Martin - J.C.Pellat - R. Rioul | Grammaire methodique du francais. Paris, 1994. |
811.133.1 fr |
2162 | " | " | 811.133.1 fr |
2163 | Jacob, Roland - J.Laurin | Ma grammaire. Quebec, 1994. |
811.133.1 fr |
2164 | Levy, Maurice | Grammaire du francais : approche enonciative. Paris, 2000. (Grammaire & methodes) |
811.133.1 fr |
2165 | Soutet, Olivier | Le subjonctif en francais. Paris, 2000. (Collection L'Essentiel francais) |
811.133.1 fr |
2166 | " | La syntaxe du francais. Paris, 2009. (Que sais-je? ; 984) |
811.133.1 fr |
2167 | " | " | 811.133.1 fr |
2168 | Mitterand, Henri | L'illusion realiste : de Balzac a Aragon. Paris, 1994. (Ecriture) |
821.133.1 fr |
2169 | Le Gall, Andre | Pierre Corneille. Lonrai, 1997. (Grandes Biographies) |
821.133.1 fr |
2170 | Rouaud, Jean | Les champs d'honneur. Paris, 2007. (Collection "Double" ; 12) |
821.133.1 fr |
2171 | " | " | 821.133.1 fr |
2172 | " | " | 821.133.1 fr |
2173 | Decaudin, Michel - D.Leuwers | Vol. 2 : De Zola a Guillaume Apollinaire : 1869-1920. Paris, 1996. (Histoire de la litterature francaise ; 964) |
821.133.1.09 fr |
2174 | Milner, Max - C.Pichois | Vol. 1 : De Chateaubriand a Baudelaire : 1820-1869. Paris, 1996. (Histoire de la litterature francaise ; 963) |
821.133.1.09 fr |
2175 | Le Clezio Jean Marie-Gustave | La ronde et autres faits divers. Paris, 2010.. (Collection folio ; 2148) |
821.133.1 fr |
2176 | " | " | 821.133.1 fr |
2177 | Brkovic, Milko | Diplomaticki zbornik srednjovjekovnih humskih i bosanskih isprava Dubrovniku. Mostar, 2011. (Biblioteka Crkve na kamenu ; knj. 121) |
94(497)(093) CB |
2178 | Marin, T. | Nuovo progetto italiano 3 : corso multimediale di lingua e civilta italiana. Roma, 2008. |
811.131.1(075) tal |
2179 | Katerinov, Katerin | La lingua italiana per stranieri : con le 3000 parole piu usate nell'italiano d'oggi : corso medio : (esercizi e test) Perugia, 1976. |
811.131.1(075) tal |
2180 | " | La lingua italiana per stranieri : con le 3000 parole piu usate nell'italiano d'oggi : corso medio : lezioni. Perugia, 1976. |
811.131.1(075) tal |
2181 | " | La lingua italiana per stranieri : con le 3000 parole piu usate nell'italiano d'oggi : corso superiore : (lezioni - esercizi - chiavi). Perugia, 1976. |
811.131.1(075) tal |
2182 | Smith, Edward E. - S.M. Kosslyn | Cognitive psychology. New Jersey, 2009. |
159.95 CB |
2183 | Harding-Esch, Edith - P.Riley | The bilingual family. Cambridge <etc.>, 2010 |
81 CB |
2184 | Fairclough, Norman | Language and power.Harlow, 2001. (Language in social life series) |
81 CB |
2185 | Fasold, Ralph | Introduction to sociolinguistics. Vol. 1 : The sociolinguistics of society. Oxford, 1984. (Language in society : 5) |
81 CB |
2186 | Ladefoged, Peter - K.Johnson | A course in phonetics. Boston, 2011. |
81 CB |
2187 | Morrison, John Sinclair - J.E.Coates - N.B.Rankov | The Athenian trireme. Cambridge, 2000. |
62 arh |
2188 | Giannichedda, Enrico | Archeologia teorica. Roma, 2011. (Le Bussole ; 70) |
902 arh |
2189 | Peroni, Renato | L'Italia alle soglie della storia. Roma ; Bari, 2004. (Biblioteca Universale Laterza ; 558) |
903 arh |
2190 | --- | A history of ancient Greek. Cambridge, 2010. |
811.14 kl |
2191 | Rijksbaron, Albert | The syntax and semantics of the verb in classical Greek. Chicago ; London. 2006. |
811.14'02 kl |
2192 | Reece, Steve | Homer's winged words. Leiden ; Boston, 2009. (Mnemosyne supplements : monographs on Greek and Roman language and literature ; 313) |
808.5 kl |
2193 | Orberg, Hans Hennig | Lingua Latina : per se illustrata. P.2 : Roma aeterna. Newburyport, 2003. |
811.124 kl |
2194 | " | Lingua Latina : per se illustrata. Colloquia personarum. Newburyport, 2005. |
811.124 kl |
2195 | " | Lingua Latina : per se illustrata. Teacher's materials. Newburyport, 2005. |
811.124 kl |
2196 | " | Lingua Latina : per se illustrata P. 1 :Familia Romana 1 : Exercitia Latina Newburyport, 2005. |
811.124 kl |
2197 | " | Lingua Latina : per se illustrata P. 2 :Roma aeterna. 2 : Exercitia Latina Newburyport, 2007. |
811.124 kl |
2198 | Calame, Claude | The craft of poetic speech in ancient Greece. Ithaca , London, 1995. (Myth and poetics) |
821.14(09) kl |
2199 | Purves, Alex C. | Space and time in ancient Greek narrative. Cambridge, 2010. |
821.14.09 kl |
2200 | Doeblin, Alfred | Schicksalsreise : Bericht und Bekenntnis. Muenchen, 1996. (DTV ; 12225. - Werkausgabe in Einzelbaenden) |
821.112.2 CB |
2201 | Kaschnitz, Marie Luise | Tage, Tage, Jahre : Aufzeichnungen. Frankfurt a.M., 1992. (Insel Taschenbuch ; 1453) |
821.112.2 CB |
2202 | Frisch, Max | Montauk : Eine Erzaehlung. Frankfurt a.M., 2011. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch ; 4237) |
821.112.2 CB |
2203 | Boell, Heinrich | Irisches Tagbuch. Muenchen, 2011. (Grosse Autoren in allen Formaten) |
821.112.2 CB |
2204 | Young, Alexandra Patricia | Study guide for Kinn's the administrative medical assistant. St. Louis, cop. 2007. |
61(075) NK |
2205 | Becks, Lori - S. Poe Bernard | Ingenix coding lab: implementing ICD.10 . Salt Lake City, 2003. |
61(075) NK |
2206 | --- | Business policy . Boston <etc.>, <cop. 1995>. |
65 NK |
2207 | Campione, Mary - K. Walrath | The Java tutorial. Reading (Mass.) [etc.], cop. 1998. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2208 | Lea, Douglas | Concurrent programming in Java. Reading (Mass.) <etc.>, cop. 1997. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2209 | Walrath, Kathy - M. Campione | The JFC Swing tutorial. Reading (Mass.) <etc.>, cop. 1999. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2210 | Campione, Mary - K. Walrath - A. Huml | The Java tutorial continued . Reading (Mass.) <etc.>, cop. 1999. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2211 | Flanagan, David | Java in nutshell . Cambridge [etc.], cop. 1997. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2212 | Reese, George | Database programming with JDBC and Java. Cambridge [etc.], cop. 1997. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2213 | MacLaughlin, Brett | Java and XML. Beijing [etc.] , cop. 2000. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2214 | Monson-Haefel, Richard - D. A. Chappell | Java message service. Beijing [etc.] , cop. 2001. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2215 | --- | Java enterprise in a nutshell. Beijing [etc.] , cop. 1999. (The Java series) |
004(03) NK |
2216 | Garfinkel, Simson - M. K. Mahoney | Building Cocoa applications. Beijing [etc.], cop. 2002 |
004(03) NK |
2217 | Pearce, Eric | Windows NT in a nutshell . Cambridge [etc.] , cop. 1997. |
004(03) NK |
2218 | Illik, Johann Anton | Erfolgreich programmieren mit C . Duesseldirf [etc.], cop. 1985. |
004(03) NK |
2219 | DeBetta, Peter | Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for developers. Redmond, cop. 2005 |
004(03) NK |
2220 | Stroustrup, Bjarne | Die C++-Programmiersprache. Muenchen [etc.] , cop. 2000. |
004(03) NK |
2221 | --- | ObjectWindows fuer C++ . [Starnberg] , cop. 1992. |
004(03) NK |
2222 | Nichols, Michael P. | The lost art of listening : how learning to listen can improve relationships. New York ; London, 1995. |
159.92 CB |
2223 | Rutan, J. Scott - W.N.Stone | Psychodynamic group psychotherapy. New York ; London, 2001. |
159.98 CB |
2224 | Kennedy, Gary J. | Geriatric mental health care. New York ; London, 2000. |
159.92 CB |
2225 | --- | Ethnocultural factors in substance abuse treatment. New York ; London, 2003. |
61 CB |
2226 | Johnson, Walter | Soul by soul : life inside the antebellum slave market. Cambridge Mass. ; London 2003 |
32 CB |
2227 | Seligman, Milton - R.B.Darling | Ordinary families, special children. New York ; London, 1997. |
159.92 CB |
2228 | Snyder, Douglas K. - D.H.Baucom - K.Coop Gordon | Getting past the affair. New York ; London, 2007. |
159.97 CB |
2229 | Szatmari, Peter | A mind apart : understanding children with autism and Asperger syndrome. New York ; London 2004. |
159.97 CB |
2230 | Chall, Jeanne Sternlicht | The academic achievement challenge. New York ; London, 2002. |
371.3 CB |
2231 | --- | Traumatic stress : the effects of overwhelming experience on mind, body, and society. New York ; London, 2007. |
159.94 CB |
2232 | Barkley, Russell A. - C.M.Benton | Your defiant child : 8 steps to better behavior. New York ; London, 1998. |
159.97 CB |
2233 | Reitz, Miriam - K.W.Watson | Adoption and the family system : strategies for treatment. New York ; London, 1992. |
36 CB |
2234 | --- | College unranked : ending the college admissions frenzy. Cambridge Mass. : London, 2005. |
378 CB |
2235 | Barkley, Russell A. - K.R. Murphy | Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder : a clinical workbook. New York ; London, 2006. |
159.95 CB |
2236 | Watson, T. Steuart - M.W.Steege | Conducting school-based functional behavioral assessments : a practitioner's guide. New York ; London, 2003. (The Guilford practical intervention in the schools series) |
159.92 CB |
2237 | Hale, James B. - C.A.Fiorello | School neuropsychology : a practitioner's handbook. New York ; London, 2004. |
159.95 CB |
2238 | Bloomquist, Michael L. | Skills training for children with behavior problems. New York ; London, 2006. |
159.97 CB |
2239 | Hartog, Hendrik | Man and wife in America : a history. Cambridge Mass. ; London, 2002. |
316.3 CB |
2240 | Dicken, Peter | Global shift : transforming the world economy. New York ; London, 1998. |
33 CB |
2241 | --- | Authoritative guide to self-help resources in mental health. New York ; London, 2000. (The clinician's toolbox : a Guilford series) |
159.91 CB |
2242 | --- | Eating disorders and obesity : a comprehensive handbook. New York ; London, 2002. |
159.97 CB |
2243 | --- | Essential psychotherapies : theory and practice. New York ; London, 2005. |
159.98 CB |
2244 | Pisk, Silvija | Pavlinski samostan Blazene Djevice Marije na Garicu (Moslavacka gora) i njegova uloga u regionalnoj povijesti : doktprski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2245 | Vilke-Pinter, Dubravka | Razina jezicne kompetencije i organizacija mentalnog leksikona bilingvala : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2246 | Nakic, Sandra | Prediktori razvoja poslijeporodajne depresije : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2247 | Nicea Gruber, Ema | Kroskulturalna analiza posljedica drustvene stigmatizacije osoba s psihickim poremecajima : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2248 | Grigic, Marica | Nepoznate drame Josipa Kosora : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2249 | Sucic, Ines | Tocnost prepoznavanja pocinitelja kaznenih djela: ispitivanje fenomena verbalnog zasjenjivanja : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2250 | Pisker, Barbara | Kriticka pravna teorija: tradicija i nova sinteza : doktorski rad. | 09 D CB |
2251 | Rovan, Daria | Odrednice odabira ciljeva pri ucenju matematike u visokom obrazovanju : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2252 | Slabinac Bousa Dubravka | Pjesnicki znak kao svjetonazor u pjesnistvu Milana Dedinca : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2253 | Lucin, Bratislav | Jedan model humanisticke recepcije klasicne antike: In epigrammata priscorum commentarius Marka Marulica : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2254 | Zaja Vrbica, Sanja | Marko Rasica : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2255 | Jelicic, Anita | Utjecaj vizualnog koda na percepciju dizajnirane poruke na primjeru plakata kao komunikacijskog medija : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2256 | Luetic, Tihana | Studenti Sveucilista u Zagrebu 1874.-1914. Svakodnevica i drustveni zivot : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2257 | Rodik, Petra | Drustvena uloga i identitet oruzanih snaga Republike Hrvatske : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2258 | Kovacevic, Slavko | Filozofijski korijeni humanizma : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2259 | Bulic, Ivan | Ivan Skerlecz Lomnicki 1913.-1917. kraljevski komesar i hrvatski ban : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2260 | Goldberger, Goran | Medijska prezentacija malih vjerskih zajednica u Hrvatskoj: analiza sadrzaja dnevnih novina : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2261 | Saric, Tatjana | Polozaj i uloga omladine i omladinskih organizacija u FH/NRH 1945.-1954. : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2262 | Klasic, Hrvoje | 1968. u Jugoslaviji: drustveno-politicke promjene u Jugoslaviji u kontekstu svjetskih zbivanja : doktorski rad. Zagreb, 2011. |
09 D CB |
2263 | Kaschnitz, Marie Luise | Orte : Aufzeichnungen. Frankfurt a.M. ; Leipzig, 1991. (Insel Taschenbuch ; 1321) |
821.112.2 CB |
2264 | --- | Die deutschen Sprichwoerter . Stuttgart, 2004. (Universal-Bibliothek ; Nr. 8453) |
821.112.2 CB |
2265 | Frank, Anne | Anne Frank-Tagebuch. Frankfurt, 2005. (Fischer Tacshenbuecher ; 15277) |
821.112.5=03 CB |
2266 | Bacalja, Robert | Dubrovacke teme i portreti. Zadar, 2011. |
821.163.42.09 Sl |
2267 | " | " | 821.163.42.09 Sl |
2268 | " | " | 821.163.42.09 Sl |
2269 | " | " | 821.163.42.09 NK |
2270 | Zoranic, Petar | Planine. Zadar, 2011. |
821.163.42"11/17" Sl |
2271 | " | " | 821.163.42"11/17" Sl |
2272 | " | " | 821.163.42"11/17" Sl |
2273 | " | " | 821.163.42"11/17" NK |
2274 | Grasby, Richard | Letter cutting in Stone. Oxford, 2011. |
930 arh |
2275 | Durrell, Lawrence | Balthhazar. Paris, 1959. (Le livre de poche ; 1060 ; 1061) |
821.111=03 fr |
2276 | Bennett, Edwin Keppel | Stefan George. Cambridge, 1954. (Studies in modern European literature and thought) |
821.112.2.09 CB |
2277 | Mozetic, Brane | Zgubljena zgodba. Ljubljana, 2001. (Aleph ; 69) |
821.163.6-31 Sl |
2278 | " | Se banalije. Ljubljana, 2005. (Zbirka Lambda ; 50) |
821.163.6-1 Sl |
2279 | Pregl, Slavko | Geniji brez hlac. Radovljica, 2010. |
821.163.6-93-32 Sl |
2280 | Francic, Franjo | Za vse bos placal ; Ne spominjam se. Ljubljana, 2006. (Aleph ; 104) |
821.163.6-32 Sl |
2281 | Bogataj, Matej | Obrobje brez sredisca. Ljubljana, 1994. (Aleph ; 45) |
821.163.6-09 Sl |
2282 | Dekleva, Milan | Pimlico. Ljubljana, 2006. |
821.163.6 Sl |
2283 | Vidmar, Janja | Pink. Ljubljana, 2010. (Zbirka Zlata bralka, zlati bralec) |
821.163.6-31 Sl |
2284 | Rozman, Andrej | Razmigajmo se v krizu. Ljubljana, 2003. |
821.163.6-1 Sl |
2285 | Jancar, Drago | Clovek, ki je pogledal v tolmun. Ljubljana, 2004. (Zbirka Nova slovenska knjiga) |
821.163.6-32 Sl |
2286 | Cater, Dusan | Pojdi z mano. Novo mesto, 2009. |
821.163.6-93-31 Sl |
2287 | Svigelj-Merat, Brina /Svit Brina - pseudonim/ |
Con Brio. Ljubljana, 2004. |
821.163.6 Sl |
2288 | Ramet, Sabrina | Die drei Jugoslawien. Muenchen, 2011. (Suedosteuropaeische arbeiten ; 136) |
94 CB |
2289 | Galijas, Armina | Eine bosnische Stadt im Zeichen des Krieges. Muenchen, 2011. (Suedosteuropaeische arbeiten ; 142) |
32(497) CB |
2290 | Koese, Yavuz | Westlicher Konsum am Bosporus. Muenchen, 2010. (Suedosteuropaeische arbeiten ; 138) |
33 CB |
2291 | Weiss, Peter Ulrich | Kulturarbeit als diplomatischer Zankapfel.. Muenchen, 2010. (Suedosteuropaeische arbeiten ; 139) |
32 CB |
2292 | Berlakovic, Mirko | Mali pregled gramatike gradiscanskohrvatskoga i hrvatskoga jezika . Zeljezno , 1999 |
811.163.42 NK |
2293 | Medunarodni znanstveno-strucni skup Perspektive cjelozivotnog obrazovanja ucitelja i odgojitelja (2008 ; Zadar) | Perspektive cjelozivotnog obrazovanja ucitelja i odgojitelja. Zadar, 2010. |
371(08) NK |
2294 | --- | Gradiscanskohrvatsko-hrvatsko-nimski rjecnik. Zagreb ; Eisenstadt, 1991. |
81'374.823 NK |
2295 | Muehlgaszner, Edith - I. Szucsich | Die Mundart von Schandorf = Cembanski / Cienski govor . Eisenstadt; Cemba, 2005. |
811.163.42 NK |
2296 | --- | Gramatika gradiscanskohrvatskoga jezika . Zeljezno, 2003. |
811.163.42 NK |
2297 | --- | Dabri i susjedna sela srednjeg Velebita. Zagreb, 1959. |
314(08) NK |
2298 | --- | Deutsch-burgenlaendischkroatisch-kroatisches Woerterbuch . Eisenstadt; Zagreb, 1982. |
81'374.823 NK |
2299 | --- | Pravopis gradiscanskohrvatskoga knjizevnoga jezika. Eisenstadt, 2009. |
811.163.42 NK |
2300 | Starr, Larry- C. Waterman | American popular music. New York, 2007. |
78(091) NK |
2301 | " | " | 78(091) NK |
2302 | " | " | 78(091) NK |
2303 | " | " | 78(091) NK |
2304 | " | " | 78(091) NK |
2305 | " | " | 78(091) NK |
2306 | " | " | 78(091) NK |
2307 | " | " | 78(091) NK |
2308 | " | " | 78(091) NK |
2309 | Sharma, Mahesh C | Matematika bez suza. Lekenik, 2001. (Biblioteka Razvoj djeteta) |
371.3 NK |
2310 | Batinic, Stefka- S. Gacina Skalamera- F. Fijacko- B. Manin | Uciteljice i ucitelji u Hrvatskoj 1849.-2009. Zagreb, 2009. |
371 NK |
2311 | Tudman, Miroslav | Obavijest i znanje. Zagreb, 1990. (Radovi Zavoda za informacijske studije; knj. 2) |
007 NK |
2312 | " | " | 007 NK |
2313 | " | " | 007 NK |
2314 | De Zan, Ivan- I. Nejasmic | Nas svijet 3. Zagreb, 2003. |
372(075) NK |